COMPAMED 2024: Looking back on a successful trade fair with exciting encounters

COMPAMED came to a successful end last week, and we at the WILD Group and PHOTONIC Optical Solutions can look back on an exciting and inspiring exhibition. Our discussions with numerous interested parties and partners centred on innovative approaches to how we, as a technology partner for sophisticated opto-mechatronic products and assemblies, can create real added value for our customers.

Although the character of the exhibition has changed over the years, MEDICA and the associated COMPAMED remain the most important leading trade fairs for medical technology and its supplier industry. This year, we once again had the opportunity to demonstrate our position as an ‘end-to-end’ solution provider: From the design, development and simulation of optical systems to the manufacturing of complex medical products and devices for in-vitro diagnostics, our customers value our ability to offer integrated solutions from a single source.

An increasingly clear change can be seen in the visitor structure at MEDICA: More and more interested parties and suppliers are coming from the APAC region. Numerous project ideas were aimed at overcoming global challenges, such as ensuring low-threshold access to healthcare services for and especially in economically disadvantaged regions. Many of these innovative approaches are based on the cost-efficient combination of artificial intelligence, machine learning and the Internet of Things (IoT), as well as mobile analysis systems that are used in a decentralised manner as part of point-of-care testing. These systems offer the potential to incorporate the WILD Group’s core competences into products and solutions that can contribute to overcoming social challenges on a global level.

This year’s COMPAMED not only brought us exciting new contacts and project ideas, but also reaffirmed our claim to be recognised as the ‘Most Trusted Partner’ by our customers and suppliers. With this momentum, we look forward to the coming year with confidence and look forward to continuing to inspire our prospects, customers and partners within the MedTech community with our comprehensive range of services in new exciting project meetings in 2025.

High-Precision optics for innovative digital microscopes.

Despite exciting development leaps in post-processing, high-quality optic components remain indispensable for the visualisation of tiny details in the microscopic world.

Digital microscopy offers us high-resolution images of living cells and cell processes in real time, which has led to significant advances in cancer research, genetics and stem cell research. In pathology, digital microscopy has revolutionised the analysis of tissue samples by enabling more precise diagnoses and collaboration between pathologists worldwide. In neuroscience, too, researchers can use these systems to examine neuronal networks and synapses in greater detail over long periods of time.

In many disciplines, both in medicine and industry, digital microscopes are seen as revolutionary. With sharp, high-contrast images at enormous resolutions and sophisticated tools for image processing and in combination with other digital technologies, they expand access to the finest details now visible under the microscope. There is no doubt that today‘s information technology has no problem processing immense amounts of data. As a result, digital microscopes have stretched the limits of diagnostics, efficient treatment methods and research. On thing is clear though: Anything that the optical components of digital microscopes cannot capture cannot be made visible with post-processing either.

“Optics are and remain the key to excellence in digital microscopy. How well a system works will ultimately depend on the quality of its optical components. Precisely these components are our specialty”, stresses Franz Aigner, the WILD Group’s Head of Business Development. Whether it is Digital 3D microscopes for high-tech operating theatres, state-of-the-art video microscopes for ultra-precise on-wafer measurements or microscopes for mask aligners in semiconductor manufacturing, they have one thing in common: the centrepiece of all these systems are excellent optics.

“We bring the outstanding concepts of our customers into serial production in a safe and cost-effective manner. Not only due to our long-standing expertise in the development and conceptual design of optics, but primarily due to our different special skills in the manufacturing of high-precision optics, which we have mastered to the point of perfection”, Aigner adds.


This combination of depth and diversity in expertise is particularly coveted in digital microscopy. Nowadays, one can combine a digital microscope with OCT technology or other digital technologies. It is also possible to use several sensors that are active on several wavelengths. As a result, not only surfaces but also cross sections become visible. Yet the rising complexity of digital microscopes also brings higher requirements for competence, precision, and purity. WILD can meet these high requirements. The company’s competences range from the selection of the best-suited components,process engineering and choice of production and assembly process, to precision cleaning, cleanroom manufacturing and accurate adjustment of measurement instruments. “Moreover, customers can also rely on WILD’s competent support in creating fully compliant documentation for MDR or FDA approval”, emphasises Stefan Werkl, Head of Business Unit Optical Technologies.

The latest example is a digital surgical microscope that has been on the market since 2024. It opens new opportunities for the dynamic visualisation of information and has the potential to herald groundbreaking innovations in the field of surgery. WILD supplies the entire device. The customer opted for the expertise of the Austrian technology partner at a very early stage in the project phase. “The current optical block is based on a concept developed by us”, says Manfred Gallé, Head of Business Unit Medical Technology.

“Due to our close proximity to manufacturing, we were also involved in the definition of the assembly process. This meant dealing with questions like ‘Which measurement parameters are necessary?’ or ‘What should individual assembly devices look like?’”, Gallé explains. This shows that in order to advance into new tolerance ranges, much more is needed than just technical equipment and xpertise in manufacturing techniques like positioning milling and alignment turning. “We are constantly fine-tuning our processes, and they are permanently improving.”

The WILD Group also delivers the complete lighting system for this innovative system. PHOTONIC supplies the complete lighting unit. “The quality of illumination is essential for the image to be generated”, stresses PHOTONIC Managing Director Stefan Zotter. Though this basically applies to every microscope, this one presented particular challenges. Zotter cites the example of a surgery mode, in which more light is projected into the eye over a short period of time. “The light intensity is significantly higher but also critical, so it must be monitored accordingly”, the lighting expert explains.


Outside the field of medical technology, digital microscopes are also firmly established in the semiconductor industry. WILD is very pleased to welcome a new customer here, considered to be among the global market leaders in high-precision wafer testing technologies. Starting in 2025, they will be handing over the production of a video microscope for ultra-precise on-wafer measurements to the technology partner. The system was developed by the customer themself and incorporates an array of high-quality optics that guarantee maximum resolution. “We are proud to be part of these groundbreaking developments”, admits Stefan Werkl, Head of Business Unit Optical Technologies.


WILD and PHOTONIC are positioning themselves at COMPAMED 2024 as dynamic technology partners for visionary optical systems.

The path from an ingenious idea to series production is rarely a sprint. It usually resembles an obstacle course or half marathon. In any case, speed, endurance and perfect preparation are required – and this is exactly where the WILD Group delivers top performance. Especially when it comes to the development and production of high-tech optics.

At COMPAMED 2024, you can see for yourself that the group of companies is both a specialist and an all-rounder in this field. All-rounder, because it has experience from a wide range of projects: from dental scanners and digital surgical microscopes to the world’s only confocal laser scanning microscope for in-depth optical analysis of human skin. Specialist, because WILD is a sought-after technology partner for excellent optics. ‘We not only provide support in production, but also incorporate our many years of expertise in optics design. We benefit from our expertise in a wide range of disciplines, from lighting and measurement technology to assembly,’ says Franz Aigner, Head of Business Development. ‘This is how we realise our customers’ visions.’

At the customer’s request, WILD takes on the entire series transition process including industrial engineering, the entire supply chain and quality management as well as process engineering, i.e. the definition of optimised production and assembly processes. Especially when it comes to complex products, WILD’s experts excel with special skills such as alignment turning or clean room production, thus meeting the highest standards of precision and purity.

Curious to find out more? We look forward to inspiring conversations! Meet us at the WILD Group stand in Hall 8a/Booth J19.


PHOTONIC in the spotlight.

Great Place To Work® recently celebrated PHOTONIC as one of Austria‘s best employers at the „For All Stars Night“ event.

What makes an ordinary employer a “Best Place to Work”? Mutual trust, credibility, respect, fairness, pride, and team spirit. In the course of an anonymous employee survey, PHOTONIC scored particularly high approval rates in all these points, thus securing a Best Workplaces™ 2024 Austria award. At the “For All Stars Night” event in Vienna, the optical and lighting technology specialist was ranked among the top three employers. The company received a 100% approval from its staff in statements such as: “I am proud to tell others that I work here”. Of those questioned, 93% said that their work was more than a “job” for them.

For PHOTONIC Managing Director Stefan Zotter, such feedback represents a particular proof of trust. Moreover, it constitutes an acknowledgement that the company takes everyone’s needs and requests seriously, and that it goes to great lengths to fulfil them. He sincerely thanked them at the award ceremony, which he attended together with Sales Manager Annette Stampfer, Development Manager Gerold Aschinger and Quality Manager Wolfgang Hanser: “I am very pleased that our employees describe their work as meaningful and are proud of their company. The mere fact that all of them participated in the survey shows how much each and every one of them feels attached to PHOTONIC”. Such exceptional team spirit is based on the great amount of free space given to employees: “What we receive in return is tremendous solidarity and their full focus and commitment for our customers and their projects”, says Zotter.

Forward-thinking technologies.

Optical measurement methods are gaining ground in new industries. In many of these, WILD‘s in-depth optics expertise and special assembly skills are in high demand.

Vehicle assistance systems like active cruise control, lane departure warning system or parking sensors. Cameras that provide images from great distances for the navigation systems we rely on every day. Dental scanners that create 3D images of patients‘ teeth, allowing for a smoother and more efficient treatment. Or industrial processes that collect and analyse precise measurement data almost at the speed of light. Optical measurement methods are becoming increasingly indispensable in our daily lives and digitalisation is further accelerating this trend. This comes as no surprise, since all technologies – from time-of-flight (TOF) to photometry and 3D stereo vision – come with a range of benefits that transform them into powerful tools for various disciplines. They can perform contactless measurements, collect three-dimensional information and deliver results in a fraction of a second.

What do optical measurement methods have in common? They use light to collect data and they need optical components like lenses, mirrors, filters, detectors and light sources to generate, control and analyse this light. This is precisely where WILD comes into the picture. ”The common denominator of all these technologies is optics. We possess decades of expertise in this sector, which makes us a coveted technology partner for various different industries“, CTO Wolfgang Warum emphasises.

The list of customer projects is long. For instance, WILD has already delivered aerial cameras that can capture high-resolution images from an altitude of up to 2.5 kilometres. In the case of 3D scanners – from intra-oral scanners in dental medicine or laser scanners that can capture entire buildings despite fog or direct sunlight, to optical coherence tomography (OCT) devices – WILD is integrated in the development and production of a whole series of innovative products. The optomechatronics specialist also manufactures the optical components of an advanced hyperspectral imaging system that can work directly in the processing line (see more on page 7). WILD‘s know-how can even be found at games tables in casinos – e.g. in 3D stereo vision systems that monitor playing cards and bets to ensure a safer gaming experience.

PHOTONIC is heavily involved in fluorescence imaging. This is used for instance in flow cytometry, where it can analyse thousands of cells per second. It is therefore an efficient method in haematological diagnostics and research, and an indispensable tool in food analysis, DNA sequencing or the microbiological analysis of water quality. ”By connecting different optical measurement methods with each other, we pave the way for innovative solutions in all industries“, stresses Warum.

analytica 2024 from 09 to 12 April.

Join the WILD Group where the most renowned players and newcomers from the world of laboratory technology, analytics and biotechnology meet in Munich.

Visit us at our booth 504 in hall A3 and find out how we can help turn your innovative idea into a product suitable for series production.

As a technology partner for optics, mechanics, electronics, and software, we support you in the development and manufacturing of measuring instruments for analytics, laboratory technology for biotechnologies & life sciences, measuring and testing technology, spectroscopic measuring instruments and microscopes.

We support numerous customers right from the development stage, carry out industrialisation and guarantee high quality in series production. Our in-depth understanding of optical technologies and overall device design is just as much in demand as our stable processes, fast response times and knowledge of regulatory standards such as ISO, GMP or FDA.

Be inspired through our passion for optical technologies and our striving for perfection.

Spectroscopy: A boost for laboratory analysis.

Near-infrared (NIR) spectroscopy solutions allow for quick and reliable analyses across the entire value chain.

Quality control and process monitoring in the food processing industry rely on exact data regarding fat content, humidity, crude protein, or sugar content. In the pharma industry, precise control of the concentration of active substances in medicines is a must. And even in
agriculture, farmers today are monitoring their harvest and feedstuffs directly in the field or in the stables to ensure the best possible supply for their animals and to efficiently process harvested crops. In these areas, NIR spectroscopy has established itself as the most suitable analysis method, and WILD has already developed a comprehensive know-how around the technology, ranging from MEMS-based concepts to FTIR spectrometers.

It is above all the combination of precise, quick measurements with powerful databases that make NIR spectroscopy solutions so essential as decision-making tools. There is currently a trend toward mobile solutions in this field. ”Near-infrared light can penetrate deep into the material, making it ideal for heterogeneous sampling. In addition, it allows for real-time analysis without the need for elaborate sample preparation and it also delivers results with laboratory accuracy even under demanding environmental conditions. All this helps cut costs, save time and reduce both material and energy consumption“, explains Stephan Payer, Head of Business Unit WILD Electronics.

WILD has demonstrated on several occasions that the demand for stability, compact size and mobility can be compatible with utmost precision. For instance, the technology partner currently supplies the NIR spectrograph for an innovative hyperspectral imaging system, consisting of the diffraction grating, imaging optics for the camera and custom-made mechanical components. Thanks to its stable optomechanical design, it can be used directly in the process line – in this particular case, in sorting facilities. ”Our optical components are so stable that they can withstand dust, vibrations and temperature variations of up to 50 degrees,“ stresses Stefan Werkl, Head of Business Unit Optical Technologies at WILD GmbH.

As a technology partner for NIR spectroscopy, WILD supports its customers according to their respective requirements, from system integration and risk assessment to CE conformity or compliance with requirements for placing their products on the market, e.g. in the US.

PHOTONIC is a Great Place to Work.

The recently received Great Place To Work® award confirms the outstanding workplace culture of the specialist for optical technologies and lighting technology.

A sense of community, an open mistakes culture, an excellent corporate image, a modern working environment, and lots of collaborative support. These are just a few examples of why employees at PHOTONIC describe their company as a “Great Place To Work”. Based on a survey in which all 28 “PHOTONICers” took part at the beginning of the year, the specialist for optical technologies and lighting solutions is now authorised to use this official certificate.

“The Great Place To Work® award is a visible sign that we are creating an environment in which our team can perform excellently. We give our employees the freedom to realise their ideas. They are given a lot of responsibility, which they return in the form of an extra portion of motivation. I am particularly pleased that they are all proud of their company and describe their work as meaningful. This in turn guarantees a full focus on our customers and great commitment towards their projects,” says Managing Director Stefan Zotter, delighted with the extraordinary positive ratings.

The employees particularly emphasised the open work atmosphere, clear communication, and positive error culture. This creates an environment in which they feel valued and listened to. The promotion of a cooperative working environment in which ideas can be exchanged and innovative solutions can be developed together was also praised. This not only contributes to everyone’s personal development, but also strengthens the company’s success. Furthermore, targeted training programmes and a wide range of career opportunities also give employees the chance to realise their full potential and continuously develop their skills.

Would you also like to start working in a company that puts people first? Then visit our career page:

Creating optimum lighting conditions.

As a specialist for light and its applications in medical science, PHOTONIC is the right partner for developing and manufacturing innovative surgery lights.

Although they are not considered an actual instrument in operating theatres, they are indispensable for effective diagnosis and treatment: modern surgery lights. They no longer stand out because of higher brightness but for a light quality precisely adjusted to the operating theatre requirements, so that surgeons can detect even the slightest colour changes and structures in the wound area. PHOTONIC Managing Director Stefan Zotter knows how this quality can be achieved: ”Surgery lights must meet very specific requirements with regard to light intensity, light field size and colour temperature to guarantee a minimum of fatigue for those working in the theatre. They must produce a neutral white light that provides in-depth illumination, casts almost no shadows, and is easy to use and clean. As a specialist for light and its applications in medical science, we have the necessary experience in the development and manufacturing of these medical light sources.“

PHOTONIC currently manufactures two latest-generation LED surgery lights. ATO ML 1000B and ATO ML 600B are practical, compact and yield an outstanding light quality for both examinations and surgical interventions. Thanks to a specially developed optic design, the two provide the ideal illumination of the examined area. Both when surgeons have the surgery area directly under their eyes and when they navigate via monitor to perform minimally invasive interventions. In ENDO mode, light is reduced to a minimum to minimise disturbing reflections on the screen and place the focus on the video signal of the endoscopic camera. Nevertheless, the intervention site remains well visible for the assisting staff. ”In other words, the minimum adjustment in products by other manufacturers in this market is at 50% brightness, while ours already begins at 10%“, Zotter explains.

In the case of invasive interventions, the high colour rendering index and optimum in-depth illumination of these innovative surgery lights guarantees the best possible view of the wound area. Very few manufacturers can meet both of these requirements with a single device. In addition, the innovative anti-ageing technology for LEDs provides for maintenance-free use over several years. ”Even in high-power use scenarios, they guarantee a lifetime of 50,000 hours,“ Zotter assures.

Experience the technologies of tomorrow.

WILD is once again part of the inspiring medical technology community at COMPAMED/MEDICA 2023 and will present concentrated network knowledge and plenty of innovations.

Under the central theme “Where healthcare is going”, COMPAMED 2023 will once again provide a fascinating glimpse into the future of medical technology. Leading minds and innovators from this sector will present the latest developments as well as exciting prospects for the future. Also present: WILD and PHOTONIC as well as their WIN network partners INSION and ACMIT. “Together we are working to increase efficiency in healthcare, optimise the patient experience and change the way doctors work. We are proud to be part of the network driving innovation that improves people’s lives,” says Michaela Ulbing, Marketing Manager of the WILD Group.

At the WILD Group exhibition booth in Hall 8a/Booth J19, the panel of experts will present the latest technologies, products and best practices from the fields of Medical & Life Science, Laboratory Technology, In-Vitro Diagnostics & Analytics as well as Illumination Solutions and Optical Systems from 13 to 16 November. Among others, the VivaScope 1500, the world’s only confocal laser scanning microscope, for in-depth optical analysis of living human skin. INSION provides insight into its services as a leading manufacturer of monolithic microspectrometers and spectral sensors for OEM applications. The research and development centre ACMIT presents itself as a bridge builder between industry and research.

We look forward to inspiring discussions!