Not all light is alike. 24. February 2021 Whether in diagnosis or treatment – Photonic helps customers administer the right dose of light exactly where it is needed. Light is considered an important safety aspect in medicine: from surgery lights to endoscopy and treatment, reliable results can only be achieved with state-of-the-art lighting systems. The advancements in LED technology have opened up many new possibilities and choosing the right type of light has become a more complex affair. Hence the need for specialists like Photonic, who know exactly which lighting characteristics are required for a specific application. ”Factors such as colour rendering index and colour temperature have a significant influence on the correct depiction. This is a well-known phenomenon in photography. When taking pictures with a flash, you essentially have the same problem as a physician in medical diagnostics. Whether with the naked eye or through the lens of a camera, a realistic depiction of the object to be examined is possible only when all colour components are included in white light“, explains Photonic Business Developer Joachim Enengl. In addition to a particularly high CRI value, which Photonic achieved through long-standing partnerships with LED manufacturers and thus secured an influence on the latest LED generations, the optical design of the light source and thermal management make sure that the light spectrum does not begin to drift. ”There is no standard solution. Each system is optimised for its intended use“, says Enengl. For instance, a change in the spectral characteristics of lighting can increase the contrasts between healthy and diseased tissue. Some types of tumours, however, are difficult to detect under white light. This is where fluorescence diagnosis comes in, and customers rely on Photonic‘s expertise in this field. Light, however, can also be used as part of treatment. In the blue wavelength range, for instance, it is used in the treatment of infant jaundice, ultraviolet A radiation combined with psoralen are used to cure psoriasis, and wavelengths in the red or near-infrared spectral regions are well-suited for the treatment of inflammations and pain. ”Both wavelength and power density have a decisive impact on treatment success. What we offer our customers is technical expertise in producing and guiding light and optical radiation. As a result, they can concentrate entirely on the clinical evaluation and marketing of their products“, Enengl stresses.