Come and experience the bundled know-how of PHOTONIC, WILD and its WIN network partners on display at the WILD Group’s booth from 18 to 21 November. Our focus: photonic applications in medical technology.

The medical industry is heading towards the future and it is more dynamic, digital and networked than ever before. At COMPAMED 2019, we will show you which answers PHOTONIC has to current challenges. Together with WILD, we will provide you with an insight into our latest developments from the areas of medical & life sciences, in-vitro diagnostics & analytics and laboratory and laser technology.

This year’s primary focus is on photonic technologies, which are seen as major drivers for innovation and growth within the medical technology sector. Be it in diagnosis, treatment, illumination or analysis and scanning – the WILD Group demonstrates how the intelligent combination of photonics and other future technologies can lead to true innovation leaps.

Feel free to contact us for an appointment. Please call +43 1 48 65 691-0 or send an e-mail to

Meet us at COMPAMED.
Halle 8A/ Stand-Nr. J19